Ignite Boulder 8 (Igneight) Speakers
Still a few slots to fill in!
Cris Silva Brazilian Portuguese for Foreigners
Josh Mishell Minimize Your Hangover & Maximize Your Awesomeness: How to Thrive at a Beer Festival
Ali Schultz Game (ig)Night: The shortest distance between two people is a good laugh.
David Mejias A baby, a bird and an afro: How to plan for and make conceptual photographs
Matthew Lenda There IS such a thing as bad music, and it will be the end of us all
Lisa Seaman Clap Happy!
Kate Brown MacGyver your way through dangerous situations: Lifesaving hacks from the sport of triathlon
Leela Turnage How Drug Smuggling and A Run-In With the Mexican Army Helped Me Ace Spanish Clas
Gina Bugiada TBA
Tara Anderson Long-distance Backpacking or How I learned to love getting dirty, peeing outside & mosquito bites
More to come…