Ignite Boulder 6 Speakers
As picked by you and the Ignite Volunteers!
Jen Yu Food porn: behind the lens
Ryan Wanger Our Princess Is In Another Castle
Sari Levy The alternative, alternative energy: my million dollar idea.
Naomi “Mimi” Meredith Making Friends and Insulting People – the Shakespearean Way
Jen Newell Bork Bork Bork: Swedish 101 for Foreigners
Cristina Sagray Classic literature through the eyes of the modern teenage chick flick
Todd Berger Business Earth
Vanessa Schneider The Things They Don’t Tell You about a DUI
Luke Tilsley Have you kissed like a Trobriand native?
Heather Clisby Screw Logic: An Unbelievable Look at Bizarre Beliefs
George G Smith Jr How to master debate
Kaley Sutton Rainbow Suspenders and Fuzzy Pink Hats
Dave Burdick Everything I needed to know about journalism I learned from “Ghost Busters.”
Michael Brown Reward and Risk
Still need a ticket? Buy one here: http://igniteboulder6.eventbrite.com/